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With five costume changes herself, TSwift told 'MTV First' that her band also had an interesting wardrobe.
By Kara Warner, with reporting by Sway Calloway
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As parents of babies and toddlers, we are constantly evaluating our child to see whether he/she is developing ?normally.? ?What we quickly find out, however, is that there really is no ?normal? as every child seems to develop at a different pace. ?When Big Brother was just 2 months old, I was fully convinced he was hearing impaired. ?He barely passed his hearing test at the hospital (in fact, he failed it the first time) and would not startle or wake up for VERY loud sounds (i.e. his crazy mother beating pots and pans by his bedside to ?test? his hearing). ?After driving his doctor crazy with my concerns, we scheduled another screening with an audiologist when he was just 9 weeks old. ?As it turns out, his hearing was just fine. ?He was just a REALLY sound sleeper.
This isn?t always the case, however. ?Sometimes our concerns can lead us to discover that there really are some developmental delays. ?As parents, it is our job to be an advocate for our child. ?And the best way that we can advocate for them is by educating ourselves and taking action when necessary. ?Early intervention can make a world of difference for a child with developmental delays!
Thankfully, there are a wide variety of resources that can help us (as parents) evaluate how our child is progressing developmentally. ?Our Your Baby, Month-by-Month Posts can be a ?helpful resource for birth through 7 months.I have also used all of these books and found them to be helpful, although the first is the most comprehensive:
If after looking over a list of developmental milestones in any of the above sources you begin to have some concerns, I would encourage you to do 2 things: ?(1) talk to your doctor and (2) sign your child up for a developmental screening. ?A developmental screening is almost always free and is simply a tool to make sure that your child is on track.
If there are some legitimate delays found by the individual conducting the screening, he/she will be able to provide you with resources and expertise to help your child. ?Early intervention is key in helping your child with developmental delays!
Alabama?s Early Intervention System
Department of Rehabilitation Services
Division of Early Intervention
602 S. Lawrence St.
Montgomery , AL , 36104
(800) 543-3098
(334) 293-7500
Early Intervention/Infant Learning Program
Office of Children?s Services
State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
P.O. Box 240249
Anchorage , AK , 99524-0249
Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP)
Department of Economic Security
3839 N. 3rd Street, Suite 304
Phoenix , AZ , 85012
(888) 439-5609 (in AZ)
Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
Department of Health & Human Services
P.O. Box 1437, Donaghey Plaza, North-5th Floor, Slot N504
Little Rock , AR , 72203-1437
(800) 643-8258
Part C Coordinator
Children and Family Services Branch
Department of Developmental Services
1600 9th Street, Room 330, MS 3-8
Sacramento , CA , 95814
(800) 515-2229
Early Intervention Colorado
CDHS-Division for Developmental Disabilities
4055 S. Lowell Blvd.
Denver , CO , 80236
Connecticut Birth to Three System
Department of Developmental Services
460 Capitol Avenue
Hartford , CT , 06106-1308
Birth to Three Early Intervention System
Department of Health and Social Services
1901 N. DuPont Highway
New Castle , DE , 19720
Early Steps
Children?s Medical Services, Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A-06
Tallahassee , FL , 32399-1707
(800) 654-4440
Babies Can?t Wait Program/Children And Youth with Special NeedsDivision of Public Health
Department of Human Resources
2 Peachtree Street, 11.217
Atlanta , GA , 30303-3186
(800) 229-2038
Early Intervention Section
Department of Health
1350 S. King Street, Suite 200
Honolulu , HI , 96814
Children?s Developmental Services
Family and Community Services
Department of Health and Welfare
P.O. Box 83720
450 W. State Street, 5th Floor
Boise , ID , 83720-0036
(208) 334-5514
Bureau of Early Intervention
Department of Human Services
222 S. College, 2nd Floor
Springfield , IL , 62704
(800) 323-4769 (in IL only)
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services
Bureau of Child Development Services (BCDS)
402 W. Washington Street, Room W-386
Indianapolis , IN , 46204
(800) 441-7837 (in IN)
Early ACCESS (IDEA, Part C)
Bureau of Early Childhood
Iowa Department of Education
Grimes State Office Building, 3rd Floor
Des Moines , IA , 50319-0146
(888) 425-4371 (inquiries/referrals to early intervention)
Children?s Developmental Services
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
1000 S.W. Jackson Street, Suite 220
Topeka , KS , 66612-1274
(785) 296-6135
(800) 332-6262
Early Childhood Development Branch
Department for Public Health
Division of Adult and Child Health Improvement
275 E. Main Street, HS 2WC
Frankfort , KY , 40621
Louisiana Part C Early Intervention
Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals
P.O. Box 3117, Bin 21, 682 N. 4th Street
Baton Rouge , LA , 70802
Child Development Services
146 State House Station
Augusta , ME , 04333
(800) 355-8611
Early Childhood Intervention and Education
Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services
Maryland State Department of Education
200 W. Baltimore Street, 9th Floor
Baltimore , MD , 21201
(410) 767-0261
Division for Perinatal, Early Childhood and Special Health Needs
Department of Public Health
250 Washington Street, 4th Floor
Boston , MA , 02108
(617) 624-5901
Michigan Department of Education
Office of Early Childhood Education and Family Services
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing , MI , 48909
(517) 335-4865
MN Help Me Grow: Infant and Toddler Intervention
First Steps Early Intervention System
Mississippi Department of Health
P.O. Box 1700
570 E. Woodrow Wilson
Jackson , MS , 39215-1700
(601) 576-7427
Special Education Services
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City , MO , 65102
(573) 522-8762
Developmental Disabilities Program
Department of Public Health and Human Services
P.O. Box 4210
Helena , MT , 59604-4210
Nebraska Department of Education
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 94987
Lincoln , NE , 68509-4987
Department of Health and Human Services
IDEA Part C Office
3416 Goni Rd., Bldg. D, Suite 132
Carson City , NV , 89706
(800) 522-0066
New Hampshire:
Family-Centered Early Supports and Services
Bureau of Developmental Services
Concord , NH , 03301
(603) 271-5122
New Jersey:
Department of Health and Senior Services
Division of Family Health Services
Early Intervention System
50 E. State Street
P. O. Box 364
Trenton , NJ , 08625-0364
(888) 653-4463 (NJEIS Referral)
(609) 777-7734
New Mexico:
Family Infant Toddler Program
New Mexico Department of Health
2500 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe , NM , 87505
(877) 696-1472
New York:
Bureau of Early Intervention
New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower Building, Room 287
Albany , NY , 12237-0660
(518) 473-7016
(800) 522-5006 (?Growing Up Healthy? 24-Hour Hotline)
North Carolina:
Women?s and Children?s Health Section
Division of Public Health
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
1916 Mail Service Center
Raleigh , NC , 27699-1916
North Dakota:
Developmental Disabilities Division
North Dakota Department of Human Services
1237 W. Divide Avenue, Suite 1A
Bismarck , ND , 58501
(701) 328-8936
Bureau of Early Intervention Services
Ohio Department of Health
246 N. High Street, 5th Floor
Columbus , OH , 43215
Special Education Services
Oklahoma State Department of Education
2500 N. Lincoln Boulevard, Suite 510
Oklahoma City , OK , 73105-4599
Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Department
Office of Special Education
Department of Education
255 Capitol Street N.E.
Salem , OR , 97310-0203
Bureau of Early Intervention Services
Office of Child Development and Early Learning
Department of Education and Public Welfare
333 Market Street, 6th Floor
Harrisburg , PA , 17126-0333
Rhode Island:
Department of Human Services
Center for Child and Family Health
600 New London Avenue
Cranston , RI , 02920
South Carolina:
South Carolina First Steps/BabyNet
Concord Building
1300 Sumpter Street, Ste 100
Columbia , SC , 29201
South Dakota:
Birth to Three Connections
Special Education Programs
Department of Education Offices
Office of Educational Services and Supports
700 Governors Drive
Pierre , SD , 57501-2291
(800) 305-3064 (in SD)
(605) 773-3678
Tennessee?s Early Intervention System (TEIS)
Tennessee Department of Education
Division of Special Education
710 James Robertson Parkway, 7th Floor
Andrew Johnson Tower
Nashville , TN , 37243-0375
(800) 852-7157
Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services
Division for Early Childhood Intervention Services
4900 N. Lamar Boulevard
Austin , TX , 78751-2399
(512) 424-6754
Early Intervention Program
Utah Department of Health
P.O. Box 144720
Salt Lake City , UT , 84114-4720
(801) 584-8226
Family, Infant and Toddler Program
Department for Children and Families
Child Development Division
103 S. Main Street
Waterbury , VT , 05671-2901
Child and Family Services
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
P.O. Box 1797
Richmond , VA , 23218
(800) 234-1448 (Central Directory for Early Intervention Services)
Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Department of Social and Health Services
P.O. Box 45201
Olympia , WA , 98504-5201
(800) 322-2588
West Virginia:
West Virginia Birth to Three
Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health
Bureau of Public Health
350 Capitol Street, Room 427
Charleston , WV , 25301
(800) 642-9704
Division of Long Term Care
Department of Health Services
P.O. Box 7851
Madison , WI , 53707-7851
(800) 642-7837
Early Intervention and Education Program
Developmental Disabilities Division
Department of Health
6101 Yellowstone Road, Suite 186E
Cheyenne , WY , 82002
(307) 777-6972 (V/TTY)
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Mitt Romney got a few laughs and a lot of applause when he made fun of President Barack Obama's efforts to address climate change.
"President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet," Romney said. "My promise is to help you and your family."
? Stephen Ohlemacher ? Twitter
EDITOR'S NOTE ? Convention Watch shows you the 2012 political conventions through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.
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Lenovo's IFA itinerary is marathon-length. It unveiled no fewer than three tablets yesterday, not to mention three new IdeaPad S Series notebooks, and today it's serving up more laptops. Let's hit the high-profile guy first: Lenovo's IdeaPad Series lineup of Ultrabooks is getting its first 15-inch model, the Windows 8-running U510. The machine weighs 4.85 pounds (2.2kg) and measures 0.83 inches (21mm) thin, which is hefty for an Ultrabook but gives it enough room for a DVD burner or an optional Blu-ray drive. The 15.6-inch display's resolution is a ho-hum 1,366 x 768, which is exactly what you'll find on the IdeaPad U310. The laptop will be available with up to a Core i7 Ivy Bridge CPU, up to 8GB of RAM and a 500GB, 750GB or 1TB hard drive and optional 24/32GB SSD cache. Connections include USB 2.0, USB 3.0, VGA and HDMI, and there's an SD card reader as well. Lenovo rates the machine for six hours of battery life. The U510 will set you back $679 (for the entry-level configuration) when it goes on sale in September. For now, you can check out the press photos below.
Filed under: Laptops
Lenovo outs 15-inch IdeaPad U510 Ultrabook with Ivy Bridge CPU, optical drive: $679 and up originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 31 Aug 2012 03:01:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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STOCKHOLM (AP) ? James Bond is causing a ruckus in Sweden.
Sweden's prime minister has urged the heads of government agencies to control their spending on staff parties after the SAPO security service admitted it held a James Bond-themed bash for 4.3 million kroner ($650,000).
The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported that SAPO threw the party for its 1,000 staff in June 2011, featuring roulette tables, a tuxedo-clad orchestra playing Bond film music, and song, dance and comedy performances by Swedish artists.
The report, following a string of articles about spending binges at government agencies, exposed SAPO to both ridicule and criticism.
Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt told the paper Wednesday that agency chiefs "are well paid, they should know better."
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FILE - This book cover image released by Dutton shows "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama Bin Laden," by Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer. The firsthand account of the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden contradicts previous accounts by administration officials, raising questions as to whether the terror mastermind presented a clear threat when SEALs first fired upon him. (AP Photo/Dutton, File)
FILE - This book cover image released by Dutton shows "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama Bin Laden," by Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer. The firsthand account of the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden contradicts previous accounts by administration officials, raising questions as to whether the terror mastermind presented a clear threat when SEALs first fired upon him. (AP Photo/Dutton, File)
This undated file photo shows al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, in Afghanistan. A firsthand account of the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden contradicts previous accounts by administration officials, raising questions as to whether the terror mastermind presented a clear threat when SEALs first fired upon him. (AP Photo)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? A Navy SEAL's firsthand account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden pulls back the veil on the secret operations conducted almost nightly by elite American forces against terrorist suspects.
Former SEAL Matt Bissonnette's account contradicted in key details the account of the raid presented by administration officials in the days after the May 2011 raid in Abbotabad, Pakistan, that killed the al-Qaida leader, and raised questions about whether the SEALs followed to the letter the order to use deadly force only if they deemed him a threat.
Bissonnette wrote that the SEALs spotted bin Laden at the top of a darkened hallway and shot him in the head even though they could not tell whether he was armed. Administration officials have described the SEALs shooting bin Laden only after he ducked back into a bedroom because they assumed he might be reaching for a weapon.
Military experts said Wednesday that if Bissonnette's recollection is accurate, the SEALS made the right call to open fire on the terrorist mastermind who had plenty of time to reach for a weapon or explosives as they made their way up to the third level of the house where he hid.
Bissonnette wrote the book, "No Easy Day," under the pseudonym Mark Owen as one of the men in the room when they killed bin Laden. The book is to be published next week by Penguin Group (USA)'s Dutton imprint. The Associated Press purchased a copy Tuesday.
For years, the primary weapon in the war on terror has been unmanned drones firing missiles from the sky. But the Bissonnette book reveals a more bloody war waged by special operators, one the public almost never gets to see close up.
The book offers intimate details of a special operations mission. The most memorable scenes are also the most human moments. Bissonnette describes one of the SEALs dressing the wounds of a woman who was shot when she lunged toward the raiders. In another scene, a terrified mother clutches her child, and a young girl identifies the dead man to the SEALs as Osama bin Laden, seemingly unaware of the significance of those words.
In that regard, the bin Laden raid seems destined to become an anachronism. Nearly every top al-Qaida figure killed by the United States since the 9/11 attacks has died in a remote-controlled strike by unmanned drone aircraft ? their deaths seen back in Washington via high-definition video. An estimated 80 top terrorist leaders have been killed in places like Pakistan and Yemen, according to The Long War, which tracks such airborne strikes.
Special operations troops often conduct raids similar to the bin Laden strike a dozen times a night in Afghanistan, and previously in Iraq, killing thousands of mostly mid- and lower-level terrorists. It's all part of a war on terror that is winding down and giving way to the drone war outside traditional war zones, given the scheduled drawdown of most U.S. troops in Afghanistan by the end of 2014.
"No Easy Day" shows how routine such operations have become. But the public rarely hears about them. This raid to capture bin Laden, though, was historic.
The SEALS, according to Bissonnette's description, were prepared as they had been in other raids for a gunfight in close quarters, which likely would last only a few seconds, with no margin for error. By the time the SEALs reached the top floor of bin Laden's compound, roughly 15 minutes had passed, giving the terror leader adequate time to strap on a suicide vest or get a gun, he said.
Bissonnette says he was behind the point man going up the stairs in the pitch black hallway. Near the top, he said, he heard two silenced shots fired by the first SEAL into the hallway. He wrote that the SEAL on point had seen a man peeking out of a door on the right side of the hallway, but Bissonnette could not tell from his vantage point whether the bullets hit the target.
The author writes that the man ducked back into his bedroom and the SEALs followed, only to find him crumpled on the floor in a pool of blood with a hole visible on the right side of his head and two women wailing over his body.
Bissonnette says the point man pulled the two women out of the way and shoved them into a corner. He and the other SEALs trained their guns' laser sights on bin Laden's still-twitching body, shooting him several times until he lay motionless.
Once they wiped the blood off his face, they were convinced it was bin Laden.
The SEALs later found two weapons stored by the doorway, untouched, the author said.
National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor late Tuesday would not comment on the apparent contradiction between the administration's account and the book's version.
Bissonnette writes that during a pre-raid briefing, an administration lawyer told them that they were not on an assassination mission. According to Bissonnette, the lawyer said if bin Laden did not pose a threat, they should detain him.
"If they didn't feel like there was a threat, they would have captured him," co-author Kevin Maurer told the AP on Wednesday. "But from when they first hit the ground, all the way until they got to the third deck, they had encountered armed men, which made the use of force essential," said Maurer, a former AP reporter.
A former deputy judge advocate general for the Air Force defended the decision to shoot the man the SEALs saw in the hallway.
"In a confined space like that where it is clear that there are hostiles, the SEALs need to take reasonable steps to ensure their safety and accomplish the mission," said the former JAG, retired Maj. Gen. Charlie Dunlap, who now teaches at Duke University law school.
Bissonnette writes that none of the SEALs were fans of President Barack Obama and knew that his administration would take credit for ordering the raid. One of the SEALs said after the mission that they had just gotten Obama re-elected by carrying out the raid. But he says they respected him as commander in chief and for giving the operation the go-ahead.
In an interview scheduled to air Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes," Bissonnette said the book was "not political whatsoever" and not timed to influence the upcoming national elections. He said it was to commemorate the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks and credit those whose work made the mission to get bin Laden a success.
"My worry from the beginning is, you know, it's a political season. This book is not political whatsoever. It doesn't bad-mouth either party, and we specifically chose Sept. 11 to keep it out of the politics. If these ? crazies on either side of the aisle want to make it political, then shame on them."
CBS said Bissonnette was disguised and his voice altered for the interview. The network used only his pseudonym and not his name.
The Pentagon and the CIA, which commanded the mission, are examining the manuscript for possible disclosure of classified information, and could take legal action against Bissonnette.
In a statement provided to the AP, the SEAL author says he did "not disclose confidential or sensitive information that would compromise national security in any way."
The book does include information not previously reported about specific CIA officers' involvement in the raid.
Bissonnette's real name was first revealed by Fox News and confirmed to the AP.
Jihadists on al-Qaida websites have posted purported photos of the author, calling for his murder.
Associated Press writers Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman contributed to this report.
Follow Kimberly Dozier on Twitter:
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Wednesday's Woe
Denial After 6 Years?!
~Tommy and Angie Prince
To deal with the reality of what happened to our child, we could not function with?such reality "in our face" all the time. As psychoanalyst Otto Rank describes, it is neurotic to not face our live's truths, but it is also neurotic to face our harsh truths at all times. We do need to process the death of our child into our brains, our psyches, our bodies, our souls, etc. But we also need to take some breaks from such harsh reality at times to give our poor systems a breather. We have to face death and yet live at the same time, so it becomes a living nightmare.
We talk about life's rhythms. One thing that can stop our life's rhythm in its tracks is to momentarily "set aside" your child's death by becoming busy with life, then happen to glance at a picture of her you haven't seen in a long time ~ a flash of normalcy at some other time in your life comes face to face with the harsh reality of her death. What???! NOOO!!!! That couldn't have happened to my baby, not that!!! Not in her young life!!! The very striking picture of her screams out "Beautiful Life in All its Normalcy." But, No!!! You're "Chutes and Laddered" back down to 'Start" in a second's time. Square One. Day One of your grief. And the pain comes tumbling down over your heart like a freight train to where you wonder if you will survive...
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Chuck Cropp, center, his son Piers, left, and wife Liz, right, wade through floodwaters from Hurricane Isaac Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in New Orleans. As Isaac made landfall, it was expected to dump as much as 20 inches of rain in several parts of Louisiana. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Homes are flooded as Hurricane Isaac hits Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Braithwaite, La. As Isaac made landfall, it was expected to dump as much as 20 inches of rain in several parts of Louisiana. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Kneaka Griffin, of Davant, La., holds Ra-Maaz Williams, 5 months, at an evacuation shelter after Isaac made landfall as a hurricane, in Belle Chasse, La., Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Law enforcement officers and first responders help a family to reach dry land after they were rescued from floodwaters caused by Isaac in Pearlington, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, during a nonstop rain. A number of residents of the small community were trapped by the rising waters and had be rescued or waited until the low tide when waters receded so they could walk out. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
The waters of the Mississippi Sound surround a traffic sign along Coden Belt Road, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012 in Coden, Ala. as Isaac makes landfall along the Gulf Coast. Isaac, downgraded to a tropical storm, has top sustained winds of 70 mph (112 kph), just below the hurricane threshold of 74 mph (119 kph). The storm is about 50 miles (80 kilometers) west-southwest of New Orleans, where it is bringing drenching rains and fierce winds. (AP Photo/Mobile Register, G.M. Andrews MAGS OUT
NEW ORLEANS, LA - AUGUST 29: A downed streetlight lies in the rain from Hurricane Isaac in the Central Business District on August 29, 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The large Level 1 hurricane is slowly moving across southeast Louisiana, dumping large amounts of rain and knocking out power to Louisianans in scattered parts of the state. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Lights are reflected on Canal Street as a police officer patrolling the area passes a pedestrian as storm bands from Hurricane Isaac hit, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Isaac, a massive storm spanning nearly 200 miles from its center, made landfall Tuesday evening near the mouth of the Mississippi River. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Bay St. Louis, Miss., fireman David Stefano reacts as he and other first responders use an airboat to reach a house fire Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Isaac's rainfall flooded a number of streets in this Bay St. Louis subdivision, preventing firemen from responding quickly to the fire that destroyed a house. (AP Photo/Holbrook Mohr)
Ronnie Willis makes his way across Canal Street through the wind and rain from Hurricane Isaac Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in New Orleans. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
NEW ORLEANS, LA - AUGUST 29: Heavy rain from Hurricane Isaac obsures the view of the Crescent City Connection Bridge over the Mississiippi River early on August 29, 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The large Level 1 hurricane slowly moved across southeast Louisiana, dumping huge amounts of rain and knocking out power to Louisianans in scattered parts of the state. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Timbers smolder after a fire gutted a house on stilts in a Bay St. Louis, Miss., neighborhood after rising storm waters from Isaac prevented firemen from responding quickly with their trucks Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. First responders used an airboat to reach the house in order to make sure the flames did not affect any neighboring homes. (AP Photo/Holbrook Mohr)
Waves tear apart a pier along the Mobile Bay near Dauphin Island on Tuesday, August 28, 2012. Alabama took a glancing blow from Hurricane Isaac on Tuesday as it headed toward landfall in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, but the storm still threatened the coast with high winds, torrential rain and pounding surf. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Bay St. Louis, Miss., first responders brave a driving rain storm as they use an airboat to reach a house fire in a flooded subdivision, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. After several attempts to reach the house fire, flooded streets forced the fire fighters to use the airboat. (AP Photo/Holbrook Mohr)
A woman stands on a partially submerged picnic bench in the storm surge from Isaac, on Lakeshore Drive along Lake Pontchartrain, as the storm approaches landfall, in New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Waves tear apart a pier along Mobile Bay near Dauphin Island on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 in Coden, Ala. Alabama took a glancing blow from Hurricane Isaac on Tuesday as it headed toward landfall in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, but the storm still threatened the coast with high winds, torrential rain and pounding surf. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
First responders seek the assistance of a City of Bay St. Louis, Miss., dump truck to tow their airboat back to their launch site after running aground Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Isaac's rainfall flooded a number of streets in this Bay St. Louis, Miss., neighborhood preventing firemen from using their fire trucks. First responders used an airboat to reach a burning house in order to make sure the flames did not affect any neighboring homes. (AP Photo/Holbrook Mohr)
Alex, left, and Adam ,three-month-old Chihuahua puppies, play in their new kennel at the Houston SPCA on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in Houston. These two were among 70 cats and dogs that were evacuated from St. Bernard Parish Animal Control in anticipation of Hurricane Isaac. (AP Photo/Houston Chronicle, J. Patric Schneider)
Debris from crashing waves lies strewn over the parkway going to Dauphin Island forcing a closure to the island on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 in Coden, Ala. Alabama took a glancing blow from Hurricane Isaac on Tuesday as it headed toward landfall in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, but the storm still threatened the coast with high winds, torrential rain and pounding surf. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Debris lies strewn over the parkway going to Dauphin Island forcing a closure to the island on Tuesday, August 28, 2012 in Coden, Ala. Alabama took a glancing blow from Hurricane Isaac on Tuesday as it headed toward landfall in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, but the storm still threatened the coast with high winds, torrential rain and pounding surf. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Dillard University students stay at the shelter in the gym of Centenary Colleges as they evacuated from New Orleans because of hurricane Isaac Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 28, 2012 in Shreveport, La. (AP Photo/The Times, Henrietta Wildsmith)
The Waterfront Seafood company is flooded as water covers Shell Belt Road in Bayou La Batre, Ala. on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Teresa Ragas, left, and her husband Bertrand Ragas, of Port Sulphur, La., lie side-by-side in cots at an evacuation shelter in Belle Chasse, La., due to the impending landfall of Isaac, which is expected reach the region as a hurricane this evening, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
A concerned neighbor checks on a car as a storm surge from Isaac pushes into Panama City, Fla. on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/The News Herald/Panama City, Fla., Andrew Wardlow) MANDATORY CREDIT
Senior hurricane specialist Stacy Stewart updates Isaac to a category one hurricane at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Animal control officer Michelle Hice puts a temporary identification collar on "Snuggles,' as evacuee Tommy Leonard hands him over for safe keeping, at an evacuation shelter in Belle Chasse, La., due to the impending landfall of Isaac, which is expected reach the region as a hurricane this evening, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Andrew Theriot flies a kite down Bourbon Street in the French Quarter as rain from Hurricane Isaac falls Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in New Orleans. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Parnell Latham, who refused to obey a mandatory evacuation order in order to protect his storage pods, stands on his property in Plaquemines Parish, La., in anticipation of Isaac, which is expected to make landfall in the region as a hurricane this evening, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Donald Taylor, Jr., of Phoenix, La., watches his nephew Jaylon Ragus, 5, of Davant, La., play with a gaming device in an evacuation shelter in Belle Chasse, La., due to the impending landfall of Isaac, which is expected reach the region as a hurricane this evening, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Annie Riley picks up her lunch while seeking shelter at the Theodore High School on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 in Theodore, Ala. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Toni Barnard holds a baby squirrel she rescued as she sought shelter at the Theodore High School on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 in Theodore, Ala. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Waves crash Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in Dauphin Island, Ala., as Isaac approaches the Gulf Coast. Isaac became a hurricane that could flood the coasts of four states with storm surge and heavy rains on its way to New Orleans, where residents hunkered down behind levees fortified after Katrina struck seven years ago this week. (AP Photo/Press-Register, Mike Kittrell) MAGS OUT
The first real impacts of Isaac reach the beaches of Gulf Shores, Ala. at high tide as all access to the beach is closed on Tuesday, August 28, 2012. The National Hurricane Center predicted Isaac would grow to a Category 1 hurricane over the warm Gulf and possibly hit late Tuesday somewhere along a roughly 300-mile (500-kilometer) stretch from the bayous southwest of New Orleans to the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Krystal Ledet, back left, looks after her son, Brandon Malbrough as her daughter Alexus Malbrough, left, colors with her grandmother, Melissa Rodrigue, right, after evacuating to a shelter in Houma, La., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Centenary College Public Safety Officer Alvin Bush walks around the gym floor in the fitness center on campus between beds for students from Dillard University who are coming to the campus because of Tropical Storm Isaac heading towards New Orleans. Students are expected to arrive in Shreveport, La., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/The Shreveport Times, Jim Hudelson) NO SALES, MAGS OUT
Jaden Fabian, 1, cries as she is loaded into a car seat as her family evacuates their home in advance of Tropical Storm Isaac, which is expected to make landfall in the region as a hurricane this evening in Plaquemines Parish, La., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Estanislao Fabian loads food into their car as they evacuate their home in advance of Tropical Storm Isaac, which is expected to make landfall in the region as a hurricane this evening in Plaquemines Parish, La., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
A woman stands among her belongings outside her damaged home after the passing of Tropical Storm Isaac in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday Aug. 26, 2012. The death toll in Haiti from Tropical Storm Isaac has climbed to seven after an initial report of four deaths, the Haitian government said Sunday. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)
Dr. Rick Knabb, center, director of the National Hurricane Center, Stacy Stewart, right, senior hurricane specialist, and James Franklin, chief hurricane specialist, track Tropical Storm Issac at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Monday, Aug. 2, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac targeted a broad swath of the Gulf Coast on Monday and had New Orleans in its crosshairs, bearing down just ahead of the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
A woman jogs along Bayshore Boulevanrd in between squalls blowing across the bay in Tampa, Fla., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The Republican National Convention has delayed it's start because of the approaching tropical storm Isaac which is churning it's way across the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara)
A Coast Guard patrol boat cruises past the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Fla., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The start of the Republican National Convention, being held at the facility, has been delayed because of the approaching tropical storm Isaac. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)
Willie Shook, 65, a survivor of Hurricane Katrina, takes a break from assisting her neighbor's packing up her belongings in preparation of leaving their beach front homes in Long Beach, Miss., prior to Tropical Storm Isaac making landfall, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. Shook and her neighbors were completely wiped out by Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, but said regardless of the effects of this latest storm, she will come back to her home and rebuild if necessary. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Daniel Shedd, left, and George Lopez board up a local Bruster's in Gulf Shores, Ala. on Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The National Hurricane Center predicted Isaac would grow to a Category 1 hurricane over the warm Gulf and possibly hit late Tuesday somewhere along a roughly 300-mile (500-kilometer) stretch from the bayous southwest of New Orleans to the Florida Panhandle.?The size of the warning area and the storm's wide bands of rain and wind prompted emergency declarations in four states, and hurricane-tested residents were boarding up homes, stocking up on food and water or getting ready to evacuate. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 27: A Monroe County worker collects downed Sea Grape trees after Tropical Storm Isaac moved through the Florida Keys on August 27, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Isaac, still rated as a tropical storm, is expected to strengthen into at least a Category 1 hurricane before making landfall somewhere over an approximately 300 mile portion of the Gulf Coast, which includes New Orleans, on August 29, the seven-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)
People ride motorbikes in a flooded street in Havana on August 26, 2012, following the passage of tropical storm Isaac. With winds reaching 50 miles (85 kilometers) per hour, the storm brought heavy rain and choppy seas to the Florida Keys after battering Haiti and sweeping across Cuba late Saturday, the US National Hurricane Center said. (ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/GettyImages)
Haitians living in a tent camp walk in the rain August 25, 2012 as Tropical Storm Isaac barrels through Port-Au-Prince. Forecasters earlier said Isaac was near hurricane strength when the eye of the storm passed over Haiti, where hundreds of thousands of people are still living in squalid, makeshift camps following a catastrophic 2010 earthquake. An eight-year-old Haitian girl died when a wall collapsed at her home and a 51-year-old woman died when her roof collapsed, according to officials, who later said two other people had died in the storm. Haiti was the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere even before the earthquake killed 250,000 people, and 400,000 citizens are still living in tent camps in and around the devastated capital Port-au-Prince. More than 3,300 families had been evacuated to temporary shelters ahead of Isaac as aid groups provided clean water and hygiene kits to try to limit the risk of contaminated water and the spread of disease. AFP PHOTO/Thony BELIZAIRE (Photo credit should read THONY BELIZAIRE/AFP/GettyImages)
Contractors work to remove the first of three barge haul units at the Pinto Terminal on Monday morning, Aug. 27, 2012, in Mobile, Ala., as the Alabama State Port Authority prepares for Tropical Storm Isaac. These one-of-kind units guide barges via remote control by the crane operator during ship unloading operations and are valued at $2.5 million each. (AP Photo/Press-Register, Mike Kittrell) MAGS OUT
Waves batter Havana's seafront on August 26, 2012, following the passage of tropical storm Isaac. With winds reaching 50 miles (85 kilometers) per hour, the storm brought heavy rain and choppy seas to the Florida Keys after battering Haiti and sweeping across Cuba late Saturday, the US National Hurricane Center said. (ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/GettyImages)
A horse is loaded into a trailer by workers at the Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots, after a mandatory evacuation of the animals was issued by the track, in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac, which is expected to become a hurricane as it moves into the Gulf of Mexico, in New Orleans, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Heavy storm clouds hover over the skyline of downtown Miami as Tropical Storm Isaac's weather bands reach the Miami area aon Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)
Folko Weltzien, 38, kite surfs as high winds from Hurricane Isaac gusts on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)
A person walks by a sign warning about Hurricane Isaac, in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
A message warns drivers of severe weather on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Hector Gabino)
Workers put up shutters at a local cafe in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, as the prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
A cyclist rides his bike in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Craig Jones, left, and Kimberly Branson secure their boat in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac. Tropical Storm Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Shira Edllan Gervasi, of Israel, puts her name on plywood protecting a storefront in Key West, Fla., in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Oren Eshel boards a storefront on Duval Street in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
A person braves the rain at Clarence Higgs Beach in Key West, Fla., as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)
People react as they survey the damage in Jacmel, Haiti, a day after Tropical Storm Isaac brought rains and winds across the nation, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. At least seven people were killed by flooding in Haiti, including in tent cities filled with earthquake victims, and two others in the Dominican Republic. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Patrick Farrell)
A van passes along a road that gave way on the way to Jacmel, Haiti, a day after Tropical Storm Isaac brought rains and winds across the nation, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. At least seven people were killed by flooding in Haiti, including in tent cities filled with earthquake victims, and two others in the Dominican Republic. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Patrick Farrell)
A man walks on the beach in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 as heavy winds hit the northern coast from Tropical Storm Isaac. Isaac is expected to continue streaming across Marion County Monday as it continues toward the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Weather Service officials in Jacksonville on Sunday said Marion County began getting rain bands from Isaac around 2 p.m. and that the rain would continue through Tuesday. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
In this photo provided by Florida Power & Light Company, line specialist Dustin Pezet works to restore power as Tropical Storm Isaac strikes in Miami on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Florida Power & Light Company, David Adame)
Lifeguard Duane Gonzalez takes down the red warning flag on a beach in Tampa, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Some rain and winds from Tropical Storm Isaac are beginning to reach Tampa where the Republican National Convention has postponed the start of their meeting because of the approaching storm. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)
Residents skin a goat killed during the passing of Tropical Storm Isaac in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday Aug. 26, 2012. The death toll in Haiti from Tropical Storm Isaac has climbed to seven after an initial report of four deaths, the Haitian government said Sunday. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)
A girl recovers a toy from muddy waters at her flooded house after the passing of Tropical Storm Isaac in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday Aug. 26, 2012. The death toll in Haiti from Tropical Storm Isaac has climbed to seven after an initial report of four deaths, the Haitian government said Sunday. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)
Workers move horses into trailers at the Fair Grounds Race Course & Slots, after a mandatory evacuation of the animals was issued by the track, in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac, which is expected to become a hurricane as it moves into the Gulf of Mexico, in New Orleans, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
An elderly gentleman clears a tree from the road in Jacmel, Haiti, a day after Tropical Storm Isaac brought rains and winds across the nation, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. At least seven people were killed by flooding in Haiti, including in tent cities filled with earthquake victims, and two others in the Dominican Republic. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Patrick Farrell)
Richard McKean buys gas for a generator as residents and property owners prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Dauphin Island, Ala. (AP Photo/Press-Register, Mike Kittrell) MAGS OUT
A bus drives past Havana's malecon (seafront) on August 26, 2012, following the passage of tropical storm Isaac. With winds reaching 50 miles (85 kilometers) per hour, the storm brought heavy rain and choppy seas to the Florida Keys after battering Haiti and sweeping across Cuba late Saturday, the US National Hurricane Center said. (ADALBERTO ROQUE/AFP/GettyImages)
A local resident carries a sandbag in anticipation of floods possibly generated by the weather system Isaac in Tampa, Florida on August 24, 2012. According to the National Weather Service, Isaac's projected path would most likely take it just to the west of Tampa as a Category 1 hurricane at the same time when the 2012 Republican National Convention will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum from August 27-30, 2012. (MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GettyImages)
A local resident loads sandbags in his pick-up car in anticipation of floods possibly generated by the weather system Isaac in Tampa, Florida on August 24, 2012. According to the National Weather Service, Isaac's projected path would most likely take it just to the west of Tampa as a Category 1 hurricane at the same time when the 2012 Republican National Convention will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum from August 27-30, 2012. (MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GettyImages)
A resident walks along the pier at Ballast Park in Tampa, Fla., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The Republican National Convention has delayed it's start because of the approaching tropical storm Isaac which is churning it's way across the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)
Harrison County Emergency Management Agency Director Rupert Lacy, left, listens as Gov. Phil Bryant discusses Gulf Coast preparations for Tropical Storm Isaac during a news conference at the Harrison County Emergency Operations Center in Gulfport, Miss., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
In this photo taken Monday, July 2, 2012, early morning sunlight illuminates fuel storage tanks at a North Little Rock, Ark., petroleum distributorship. The price of oil fell Monday, Aug. 27, 2012, as the threat to production from Tropical Storm Isaac appeared to lessen and traders speculated about a release of oil from U.S. reserves. (AP Photo/Danny Johnston)
KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 27: A Monroe County Utility worker repairs power lines after Tropical Storm Isaac moved through the Florida Keys on August 27, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Isaac, still rated as a tropical storm, is expected to strengthen into at least a Category 1 hurricane before making landfall somewhere over an approximately 300 mile portion of the Gulf Coast, which includes New Orleans, on August 29, the seven-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)
KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 27: A Monroe County Utility worker repairs power lines after Tropical Storm Isaac moved through the Florida Keys on August 27, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Isaac, still rated as a tropical storm, is expected to strengthen into at least a Category 1 hurricane before making landfall somewhere over an approximately 300 mile portion of the Gulf Coast, which includes New Orleans, on August 29, the seven-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)
A local resident loads his car with bottled water outside a Walmart store in anticipation of water shortage caused by the oncoming Tropical Storm in Tampa, Florida on August 26, 2012. A strengthening Tropical Storm Isaac barreled toward Florida and was predicted to become a hurricane on Sunday, forcing a one-day delay to the main events of the Republican convention. A hurricane warning was in effect for the Florida Keys and parts of the state's southwest coast and the Republican Party announced that severe weather warnings had postponed the start of its four-day gathering in Tampa. The proceedings will now start on Tuesday afternoon instead of Monday. Early Sunday, the storm was around 205 miles (330 kilometers) east-southeast of Key West, Florida and it was moving northwest at 18 miles (30 kilometers) per hour, with forecasts suggesting it would strengthen even over the next 48 hours, the NHC said. 'Isaac is expected to be at or near hurricane strength when it reaches the Florida Keys,' the center warned. AFP PHOTO/MLADEN ANTONOV (Photo credit should read MLADEN ANTONOV/AFP/GettyImages)
Willie Shooks, right, and Brenda Johns, next door neighbors and survivors of Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, say while they trust the Lord will protect them, they are taking no chances, securing their homes and moving off the beach front lots in Long Beach, Miss., before Tropical Storm Isaac becomes a hurricane, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. When Hurricane Katrina hit, the two neighbors lost everything, returning to foundations and debris where houses once stood. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Daniel Sobel, of New City, N.Y., left, and his sister Joanna Sobel, right, lift his 8-year-old daughter Rachel over a wave as it comes crashing ashore in Point Pleasant Beach, N.J., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The effects of Tropical Storm Isaac, more than 1,100 miles away, have been roiling the surf at the Jersey Shore, restricting swimming and keeping lifeguards on their toes. (AP Photo/Wayne Parry)
Shrimp boats are tied up Monday, Aug. 27, 2012 in Bayou La Batre, Ala. as residents prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac along the Gulf Coast . (AP Photo/Press-Register, G.M. Andrews) MAGS OUT
Rick McLendon looks out from the front of his boarded-up business, Bayou Produce, while he awaits customers Monday, Aug. 27, 2012 in Bayou La Batre, Ala. as residents prepare for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac along the Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Press-Register, G.M. Andrews) MAGS OUT
Mike Palmer surfs in waves ahead of Tropical Storm Isaac in Perdido Key, Fla., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)
Dr. Rick Knabb, director of the National Hurricane Center, gives an update on Tropical Storm Isaac at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac targeted a broad swath of the Gulf Coast on Monday and had New Orleans in its crosshairs, bearing down just ahead of the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Some residence are boarding up their homes while others have chosen not to take Isaac seriously in Gulf Shores, Ala. on Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The National Hurricane Center predicted Isaac would grow to a Category 1 hurricane over the warm Gulf and possibly hit late Tuesday somewhere along a roughly 300-mile (500-kilometer) stretch from the bayous southwest of New Orleans to the Florida Panhandle.?The size of the warning area and the storm's wide bands of rain and wind prompted emergency declarations in four states, and hurricane-tested residents were boarding up homes, stocking up on food and water or getting ready to evacuate. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Hurricane specialist John Cangialosi tracks the center of Tropical Storm Isaac at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac targeted a broad swath of the Gulf Coast on Monday and had New Orleans in its crosshairs, bearing down just ahead of the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Larry Fabacher carries bags of ice to his home as he prepares for Tropical Storm Isaac Monday, Aug. 27, 2012, in New Orleans. Isaac is churning it's way across the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Gus Williams, left, feeds his step-granddaughter Somaya Washington, right, as her mother, Areonisha Washington, center, watches after evacuating to a shelter in Houma, La., Tuesday, May 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
Meteorologist Monica Bozeman tracks Tropical Storm Isaac at the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Workers fill Hesco baskets at a flood wall at Route 23, in advance of Tropical Storm Isaac in Plaquemines Parish, La., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
A sailboat is grounded on the beach in Pass Christian, Miss., on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Estanislao Fabian loads the their car as Jordan Fabian, 6, and Jaylah Cole, 6, comfort Jaden Fabian, 1, as they evacuate their home in advance of Tropical Storm Isaac, which is expected to make landfall in the region as a hurricane this evening in Plaquemines Parish, La., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
A sailboat is grounded on the beach in Pass Christian, Miss., on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center warned that Isaac, especially if it strikes at high tide, could cause storm surges of up to 12 feet (3.6 meters) along the coasts of southeast Louisiana and Mississippi and up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) as far away as the Florida Panhandle. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Sea gulls fly over rising tides and brisk winds due to Tropical Storm Isaac along the water in west Gulfport, Miss., Tuesday morning, Aug. 28, 2012. Mississippi utility companies have extra crews on hand for possible widespread outages from Isaac. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Stacey Davis, left, and his board up windows on their home before Tropical Storm Isaac hits Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in New Orleans. Tropical Storm Isaac is churning it's way across the Gulf of Mexico towards New Orleans. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
John Richardson and his nephew Myles Erickson get in some fishing time while the rest of the family prepares for Isaac in Bayou La Batre, Ala. on Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. The National Hurricane Center predicted Isaac would grow to a Category 1 hurricane over the warm Gulf and possibly hit late Tuesday somewhere along a roughly 300-mile (500-kilometer) stretch from the bayous southwest of New Orleans to the Florida Panhandle.?The size of the warning area and the storm's wide bands of rain and wind prompted emergency declarations in four states, and hurricane-tested residents were boarding up homes, stocking up on food and water or getting ready to evacuate. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Surfers head out to catch waves whipped up by Tropical Storm Isaac at Haulover Beach Park in Miami Beach, Fla., Monday, Aug. 27, 2012. Forecasters predicted Isaac would intensify into a Category 1 hurricane later Monday or Tuesday with top sustained winds of between 74 and 95 mph. The center of its projected path took Isaac directly toward New Orleans on Wednesday, but hurricane warnings extended across some 330 miles from Morgan City, La., to Destin, Fla. It could become the first hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast since 2008. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
Dr. Rick Knabb, director of the National Hurricane Center, standing center, James Franklin, chief hurricane specialist, at the National Hurricane Center, standing foreground left, and Ed Rappaport, and deputy director, National Hurricane Center, keep track of Isaac in Miami, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)
Pedestrians make their way down Bourbon Street as rain from Hurricane Isaac falls in the French Quarter Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in New Orleans. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
U.S. Senator David Vitter, R- La., left, Jefferson Parish President John Young, second left, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Army Corps of Engineers Col. Ed Fleming, right, talk as they tour the new levee wall and pumps at the 17th Street Canal in New Orleans, built after Hurricane Katrina, as Hurricane Isaac approaches New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The Category 1 hurricane is expected to hit New Orleans overnight. (AP Photo/Cheryl Gerber)
Waves from Isaac crash against the Jetty East condominium in Destin, Fla., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 as the storm makes its way toward expected landfall in Louisiana. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Devon Ravine)
L'Rena Anderson leans into the wind as she walks along the beach on Okaloosa Island in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. Anderson was among many local residents who turned out to watch the effects of Hurricane Isaac as it churns through the Gulf of Mexico toward an expected landfall in Louisiana. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Devon Ravine)
A crowd gathers on the end of the boardwalk on Okaloosa Island in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 to watch rough surf generated by Hurricane Isaac as it moves through the Gulf of Mexico with an expected landfall in Louisiana. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Devon Ravine)
Tommy Leonard, of Port Sulphur, La.., says goodbye to his dog 'Snuggles,' before he hands him over to animal control officers, who are keeping evacuees pets for them, at an evacuation shelter in Belle Chasse, La., due to the impending landfall of Isaac, which is expected reach the region as a hurricane this evening, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Crayione Alexis, 9, of Phoenix, La., left, and Ra'yna Williams, 5, of Davant, La., play while in an evacuation shelter in Belle Chasse, La., due to the impending landfall of Isaac, which is expected reach the region as a hurricane this evening, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Shajuana Turner plays with her cousin Ra-Maz Williams, five months, in an evacuation shelter in Belle Chasse, La. on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
People staying at the Theodore High School shelter line up for lunch on Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)
Wendy Curtis walks through the wind and rain from Isaac as the outer bands make landfall Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in Chalmette, La. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
From left, Jill Croy and Rachel Croy sit on the new levee wall that was built after Hurricane Katrina as Isaac continues its path to New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Cheryl Gerber)
Sand drifts float across the parking lot of the Silver Slipper Casino in Waveland, Miss., Tuesday Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
In this photo taken Aug. 28, 2012, President Barack Obama speaks about Tropical Storm Isaac, in the Diplomatic Room of the White House in Washington. Trying to keep his job as he does his job, President Barack Obama assures the nation his administration is on top of the looming Gulf Coast hurricane Isaac, then gets on a waiting helicopter to head out for votes. The swift pivot illustrates the president's juggle of governing and campaigning -- neither of which ever stops. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
A Louisiana National Guard vehicle rolls down Bourbon Street as Isaac continues its path to New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana. (AP Photo/Cheryl Gerber)
High waters surround signs noting reserved parking for Dauphin Island Ferry employees and for bait shop customers at the ferry landing Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 on Dauphin Island, Ala. as residents prepare for the landfall of Hurricane Isaac along the Gulf Coast. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana.(AP Photo/Mobile Register, G.M. Andrews) MAGS OUT
A man sleeps outside a boarded-up building on Canal Street in New Orleans Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, prior to the approach of Isaac, which is expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana by early Wednesday. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said the storm, with 75 mph (120 kph) winds, had gained strength as it moved over the warm, open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Mobile County Sheriff's Deputy Aaron Swayze uses binoculars to view the the road conditions of the partially-flooded Highway 193 leading to Dauphin Island, Ala., Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012 as residents prepare for the landfall of Isaac along the Gulf Coast. The U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami said Isaac became a Category 1 hurricane Tuesday with winds of 75 mph. It could get stronger by the time it's expected to reach the swampy coast of southeast Louisiana.(AP Photo/Mobile Register, G.M. Andrews) MAGS OUT
A deserted Bourbon Street in the French Quarter is shown as Hurricane Isaac makes landfall Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, in New Orleans. Hurricane Isaac made landfall south of New Orleans Tuesday night. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
People play in the storm surge from Hurricane Isaac, on Lakeshore Drive along Lake Pontchartrain, as the storm nears land, in New Orleans, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Isaac's rain and winds buffeted the streets of Waveland, Miss., Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina hitting the Gulf Coast. Isaac was packing 80 mph winds, making it a Category 1 hurricane. It came ashore early Tuesday near the mouth of the Mississippi River, driving a wall of water nearly 11 feet high inland and soaking a neck of land that stretches into the Gulf. The storm stalled for several hours before resuming a slow trek inland, and forecasters said that was in keeping with the its erratic history. The slow motion over land means Isaac could be a major soaker, dumping up to 20 inches of rain in some areas. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
People brave the rain and strong winds for a walk along the banks of the Mississippi River in New Orleans on August 28, 2012 in Louisiana, where Hurricane Isaac has made landfall. The US National Hurricane Center said a 'dangerous storm surge' was occurring along the northern Gulf Coast with storm surges of up to eight feet (2.4 meters) already being reported in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. States of emergency have been declared in Louisiana and Mississippi, allowing authorities to coordinate disaster relief and seek emergency federal funds. AFP PHOTO / Frederic J. BROWN (Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/GettyImages)
A group of men walk along a deserted Bourbon Street in New Orleans on August 28, 2012 in Louisiana, where Hurricane Isaac has made landfall. The US National Hurricane Center said a 'dangerous storm surge' was occurring along the northern Gulf Coast with storm surges of up to eight feet (2.4 meters) already being reported in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. States of emergency have been declared in Louisiana and Mississippi, allowing authorities to coordinate disaster relief and seek emergency federal funds. AFP PHOTO / Frederic J. BROWN (Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/GettyImages)
Strong winds and big waves engulf Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans on August 28, 2012 in Louisiana, where Hurricane Isaac has made landfall. The US National Hurricane Center said a 'dangerous storm surge' was occurring along the northern Gulf Coast with storm surges of up to eight feet (2.4 meters) already being reported in Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. States of emergency have been declared in Louisiana and Mississippi, allowing authorities to coordinate disaster relief and seek emergency federal funds. AFP PHOTO / Frederic J. BROWN (Photo credit should read FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP/GettyImages)
BAY ST. LOUIS, MS - AUGUST 28: Gene Gibson pets his cat as water rises from the rising bayeux waters, flooding his property ahead of the arrival of Hurricane Isaac on August 28, 2012 in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Many residents of the area decided to stay in their homes instead of evacuate for the Level 1 hurricane. The area was devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)
Residents of the Riverbend Nursing Center are evacuated to higher and safer ground as Hurricane Isaac makes landfall, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in Jesuit Bend, La. Plaquemines Parish ordered a mandatory evacuation for the west bank of the Mississippi below Belle Chasse because of worries about a storm surge. The order affected about 3,000 people, including residents of the nursing home. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)
Danessa Lee, left, comforts her granddaughter Ashanti Lee, 12, after their family was rescued in Pearlington, Miss., by law enforcement officers and first responders using boats, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, during the nonstop rain from Isaac. A number of residents of the small community were trapped by the rising waters and had be rescued or waited until the low tide when waters receded so they could walk out. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Pearlington, Miss., residents are brought out of their flooded community by law enforcement officers and first responders using boats, Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, during the nonstop rain from Isaac. A number of residents of the small community were trapped by the rising waters and had be rescued or waited until the low tide when waters receded so they could walk out. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)
Toccara Williams, of Davant, La., hands their 5-month-old daughter Ra-Maaz Williams to her husband, Romaule Williams Jr., at an evacuation shelter after Isaac made landfall as a Hurricane, in Belle Chasse, La., Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012. Plaquemines Parish ordered a mandatory evacuation for the west bank of the Mississippi below Belle Chasse because of worries about a storm surge. The order affected about 3,000 people, including a nursing home with 112 residents. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Water flows out of the new 17th Street Canal pumping station as Hurricane Isaac hits Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2012, in New Orleans. As Isaac made landfall, it was expected to dump as much as 20 inches of rain in several parts of Louisiana. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)
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