Monday, August 20, 2012

State says Ulster added 1,000 jobs in private sector

Michael Levensohn

Published: 2:00 AM - 08/18/12

Private employers in Ulster County added 1,000 jobs during the past year, according to the July jobs report by the New York State Labor Department. The gains were led by increases of 500 jobs each in retail trade and 'leisure and hospitality.'

At the same time, however, Ulster shed 600 government jobs, including 500 in education.

Ulster County's private-sector job growth rate of 2.1 percent ranked sixth out of 14 metro areas in the state. Ithaca was first at 4.1 percent.

The Orange-Dutchess metro area ranked 12th, or third from last, with a private-sector growth rate of 0.2 percent.

The private job count in Orange and Dutchess counties was 500 higher in July than it was a year before.

During the past year, the counties added 800 jobs in 'healthcare and social assistance' and 600 in professional and business services, but lost 700 in 'natural resources, mining and construction' and 500 in manufacturing.

The Orange-Dutchess area reported no change in overall government employment, as cuts of 200 apiece in state and federal government jobs were offset by an increase of 400 in local government, including education.

Sullivan County added 200 private-sector jobs during the past year, but shed 200 government jobs.

Overall, New York state added 123,400 private-sector jobs from July 2011 to July 2012, but the state's unemployment rate jumped to 9.1 percent in July from 8.2 percent a year before.

State officials attribute the higher unemployment rate to an increase in the number of people looking for work.

More than 100,000 people have entered the state labor force during the past year.

New York is expected to release county unemployment rates on Tuesday.

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