Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scrapbooking Yourself: Why it is important to your story in your ...

Some people do not put her album in albums, documenting other people all the time! If it is not currently included in your album yourself, here are seven reasons why it's a good time to get started:

1st We are a part of our family, too! What if you do an album that all but, say, your younger son set contain? There are tons of pages about you, your husband, your kids are than others ? but nothing about the baby.It would be a bit strange, to say the least! The same applies to you, same attack -. Not leave a hole in your scrapbooking albums albums Not only was the document that are part of the history of your family

2nd We have to tell a unique story. Your life may seem ordinary and run-of-the-mill, but there is no other living your life today. If you are not documented, no one else will ? or! Think of Anne Frank or Laura IngallsWilder. Our world would be far less rich if we are not the stories of two women. Who is to know whether your story could be the same wealth of details for some fifty or 100 years ago included.

3rd Someone else might be inspired by our stories can be. When my daughters grow, I look at my record and find inspiration and comfort in the struggles I had when I read about the same events and challenges go of hope. I have often wished I hadto read the story of my mother or grandmother, to tell, but I do not know.

4th It allows us to think and feel things on a deeper level. Life goes fast! Scrapbooking events in my life, and write what I think of her, and helps me to slow down the process. It can also help me see the importance of good and evil in my life.

5th It shows us what is important. Where is your attention you know where your priorities lie. ReviseAlbum and see your priorities. (Note: I found that I shift my priorities to spend my attention, so if I want to focus on a particular area of my life, I can with the scrapbooking!).

6th Leave something for our family and fill their impressions of us. I'm very one-dimensional impression of what was my mother when I was young, because they all about me in this moment! I want to meet them at this pointTime to read his perspective on my childhood. I want this opportunity to offer my children.

7th And 'therapeutic There are so many things in our lives that we can not control, especially the bad things. Getting it on paper, we feel like we are in a position to address these challenges, should be restricted to the side, instead of hovering over our lives. Scrapbooking our lives gives us perspective.


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