Monday, October 22, 2012

The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 - Annoyed Army Forum

The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 1 Day, 1 Hour ago ?


Good Morning Annoyed Army!

Welcome to the Briefing Room!

Have a blessed Sunday.


The Sunday Questions:

1. Card game or board game?

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?

3. Sneakers or sandals?

4. Shopping or movies?

5. Lake or pool?

6. Juice or milk?

7. Tent or hotel?

8. Popcorn or candy?

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?

10. Soup or salad?

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?



?If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace.?

~Thomas Paine


Last Edit: 2012/10/20 23:03 By Towanda.

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"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." ~~Edward Abbey
"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid." ~~President Dwight Eisenhower~~
I can see 2012 from my house.

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 18 Hours, 12 Minutes ago ?
Good Morning

My beloved Cowboys did it again They beat Iowa State in football yesterday. We watched it on Judy's sis tv while cleaning her house. We are hopeful she can come home Tuesday.

1. Card game. Poker, 4point pitch etc

2. Country

3. Sneakers

4. Neither

5. Pool

6. Milk

7. Hotel

7. Popcorn although my daughter found some pretty good Carmel's sugarfree at Hallmark and Crazy Cow makes some good one too

8. Merry go round

9. Salad

10. Misses them up sorry

11. Put on boxing gloves

Got to go get ready for church later

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Love is not possible without sacrifice and sacrifice is not possible without love. Karen Kingsbury in "Ever After"

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 17 Hours, 53 Minutes ago ?
Another great set of questions, Tow! Thanks for the work you put into this every Sunday.

The Sunday Questions:

1. Card game or board game?

Hmmmm... poker or Clue? Clue, I think. So that's a board game.

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?

Rock 'n' roll, baby! ;woohoo:

3. Sneakers or sandals?

Definitely sneakers!

4. Shopping or movies?

Movies. I really really HATE shopping.

5. Lake or pool?


6. Juice or milk?


7. Tent or hotel?


8. Popcorn or candy?


9. Merry go round or roller coaster?

Roller coaster!

10. Soup or salad?

Salad, with lots of bleu cheese dressing.

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?

Just be yourself. One of the most obvious problems the current president has is that he's a phony through and through. I think Gov. Romney's honesty and integrity stands out in stark contrast, and I believe that's why the polls are turning now that the people are actually seeing him in the debates without the MSM filter.

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"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
-Rich Cook

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 17 Hours, 44 Minutes ago ?
1. Card game or board game?
card game

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?

3. Sneakers or sandals?

4. Shopping or movies?

5. Lake or pool?

6. Juice or milk?

7. Tent or hotel?

8. Popcorn or candy?

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?
roller coaster

10. Soup or salad?

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?
Don't let the President get away with lies.

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Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 17 Hours, 30 Minutes ago ?
Tow - My own granddaughter will graduate next Spring with a Masters in nursing. MOST nurses I've encountered have been pretty good, but I've also met a few stinkers. My cardiologist is Pakistani and has taken EXCELLENT care of me since my 2003 heart attack. My heart function has steadily improved under his care. He got his medical degree in India. I didn't choose him. He just happened to be in the hospital when the ambulance delivered me that morning, but I've stuck with him.

1. Card game or board game?
card games

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?
Rock & Roll, pre-1969--most of it after that was (and is) simply awful.

3. sneakers or sandals?
Sneakers...most of the time

4. Shopping or movies?
I don't like shopping but I NEVER go to movies (almost never), so if I have to choose, I guess shopping.

5. Lake or pool?
Either one as long as it's wet!

6. Juice or milk?
I drink a LOT more milk than juice.

7. Tent or hotel?
I can "rough it" with about anyone, but when I go to sleep, I want a hotel.

8. Popcorn or candy?
I eat very little candy, so popcorn, I guess.

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?

10. Soup or salad?
Don't much like rabbit food, so soup, I suppose.

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?
Not that he would, of course, but I think I'd be inclined to tell him to HAMMER his opponent on how diminished our standing in the world has become since he was elected. Most places, we're a laughingstock.

Last Edit: 2012/10/21 07:20 By Dave.

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Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
An Example of Liberal "Logic" - Trees should be saved because they have souls, but an unborn child is just a blob of tissue.

Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with oil or grease, your nose will begin to itch & you'll have to pee.

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 17 Hours, 12 Minutes ago ?
Good Morning, Folks. Been a while since I weighed in on the Sunday questions and these seem just right.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Michigan State lost, yesterday, and that's going to cost me a few bucks.

1. Card game or board game?

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?
Rock & Roll. Why do country singers all sing through their noses? Why do the lyrics always concentrate on proving how country they really are?

3. Sneakers or sandals?

4. Shopping or movies?
Oh jeez, do I have to? Movies, I guess.

5. Lake or pool?

6. Juice or milk?

7. Tent or hotel?

8. Popcorn or candy?

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?
Roller Coaster

10. Soup or salad?

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?
Well, I would certainly be surprised if he called, however, here's what I would like to see happen:
When he lies, call him on it. When he interrupts treat him like a child and call him on it. When he gives an answer that has little or nothing to do with the question call him on it and demand an answer. When he calls you a liar get right in his face and demand an apology. He really does have the personality of a child so treat him that way. Nothing upsets a kid more than being treated like a kid. Nothing upsets me more than having a kid as President.
Finally, and it's OK if you do this more than once, let the whole world know that the exceptional country known as The United States of America is getting back in the game. We will not apologize for our wealth or our strength. Tell our friends that they can, once again, count on our support. Tell our enemies, and those who support them, that the time of hurting us with impunity is over. Tell those who want to come here that we welcome immigrants who wish to become citizens and add something positive to the mix. Tell them that our Constitution is inviolate and we will not bend the laws of this country in order to accommodate their worldview.

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For those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor
The protected will never know.
Semper Fi, Mac!

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 17 Hours, 9 Minutes ago ?
1. Card game or board game? Board game.

2. Rock ?n? roll or country? Rock ... don't care much for country (which frustrates me, as many country artists are decent family people and patriotic Americans, while many rock artists are multilevel jerks, putting it nicely)

3. Sneakers or sandals? Sandals. In my theology, if God intended for man to wear shoes, man would have built-in shoelaces!

4. Shopping or movies? Movies

5. Lake or pool? Pool

6. Juice or milk? Juice

7. Tent or hotel? Hotel

8. Popcorn or candy? Yes? Both? Well, I do prefer candy usually.

9. Merry go round or roller coaster? Not big on either.

10. Soup or salad? Yes? Both? I like either approximately equally, so my choice would be situational - my mood, the specific available choices.

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president? Hit Pres. Obama 3 ways: Hard; Fast; Continuously. As some one on PJMedia phrased it, Mr. Obama is clothes without an emperor.

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Those who can, do.
Those who know, teach.
The ignorant who can't, regulate.

Child justifying shoplifting: "They're rich, they can afford it!"
Liberal justifying tax increases on wealthy people: "They're rich, they can afford it!"

"To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give.
To show us the reason to live."
"We Are the Reason" by David Meece

Soapy Pete's Box

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 16 Hours, 59 Minutes ago ?
Sad to hear of Sen. McGovern's death. I had heard last week that he was under hospice care and then that he was unresponsive. Didn't agree much with his politics, but at a human level his death is at once a relief and a loss for his family and friends. I hope they didn't wait until last week to get him into hospice care, and I hope they have counseling resources available to them if needed.

Becky has worked for a local hospice organization for over a year, and volunteered there for about a year before that, so I'm learning what such organizations do through talking about what she does at work.

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Those who can, do.
Those who know, teach.
The ignorant who can't, regulate.

Child justifying shoplifting: "They're rich, they can afford it!"
Liberal justifying tax increases on wealthy people: "They're rich, they can afford it!"

"To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give.
To show us the reason to live."
"We Are the Reason" by David Meece

Soapy Pete's Box

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 14 Hours, 27 Minutes ago ?
Today?s Sunday Questions: - - - With some answers.

1. Card game or board game?- Board Game, preferably chess.

2. Rock ?n? roll or country? - Neither as I will turn the electronic gadget off before listening to either since I feel the sound of tires singing on the pavement is more pleasing.

3. Sneakers or sandals? - Here again is a case of neither. I don?t have a pair of either in my closet.

4. Shopping or movies? - I don?t like shopping but do it as a necessity. Have not been to a movie in more than 25 years

5. Lake or pool? - Prefer a pool to a lake.

6. Juice or milk? - Gimme my unsweetened grapefruit juice, please.

7. Tent or hotel? - Hotel now as I have had enough ?roughing it.?

8. Popcorn or candy? - Depends a little on what I am doing but in general I prefer candy to popcorn.

9. Merry go round or roller coaster? - I?ll go with the merry-go-round.

10. Soup or salad? - Soup if you please.

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president? - Not gonna happen of course but if it did I would suggest mentioning the original routine of the President apologizing because the USofA has been a sucessful nation based on our form of government and hard work. The list is long.

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The shin bone is a device for finding furniture in a dark room.
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
(Murphy's lessor known laws.)

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 12 Hours, 39 Minutes ago ?
Good midday everyone. And now, to answer the Sunday Questions:

1. Card game or board game?

Card game. Anyone for five-card poker?

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?

Rock 'n' roll up until 1970, more or less.

3. Sneakers or sandals?

Sneakers, though I love my Birkenstock Milano sandals (mind you, they better be at US$110 a pair!).

4. Shopping or movies?


5. Lake or pool?


6. Juice or milk?


7. Tent or hotel?

Hotel--no need to deal with assembling or disassembling a tent and especially flying insects!

8. Popcorn or candy?

I like candy--especially Jelly Belly jelly beans.

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?

Merry go round. I rode the big roller coasters at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA and that'll be the last time I do that!

10. Soup or salad?

I'll take a decent salad with a good balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?

Be yourself. Let the President demonstrate his innumerable shortcomings all over again one more time.

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Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 11 Hours, 14 Minutes ago ?
Good Day All !

The Sunday Questions:

1. Card game or board game?


2. Rock ?n? roll or country?

I like all kinds of music

3. Sneakers or sandals?


4. Shopping or movies?


5. Lake or pool?


6. Juice or milk?

I don't drink milk and the only juice I like is V8

7. Tent or hotel?

I like the outdoors but I don't care for tents I like sleeping under the stars near the fire

8. Popcorn or candy?


9. Merry go round or roller coaster?

Roller coaster

10. Soup or salad?

Both, together

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?

Sir if you would please ~ Kick his ass again but really make him hurt this time !

Last Edit: 2012/10/21 13:15 By Majkman.

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Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 10 Hours, 54 Minutes ago ?
1. Card game or board game?

Neither.....growing up an only child in a rural area I (plus in a strict Baptist household where cards were not allowed) I never played games as a child.

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?

OLD rock 'n' roll.....50's R&R

3. Sneakers or sandals?

Of the two, sandals because they are cooler but my normal "run around" shoes are moccasins.

4. Shopping or movies?

Neither - HATE shopping with a passion and am not a movie person.

5. Lake or pool?

Pool - I want to KNOW what is under my feet where I am stepping.

6. Juice or milk?

Juice......haven't had a glass of milk since I gave up the bottle as a baby....hate the stuff.

7. Tent or hotel?

Hotel.....WITH room service!

8. Popcorn or candy?

Chocolate downfall

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?

Merry go round.....I went on a roller coaster when I was 16 and it scare me SO badly I am terrified of high places of any kind to this day. I STILL remember that horrible feeling that I was going to go off the end.

10. Soup or salad?

Soup - especially broccoli and cheese soup

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?

Harp on the mess the Middle East is in today and our allegience to the Muslim Brotherhood given their violent and terroristic beliefs instead of backing our only ally in the area, Israel.

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Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 9 Hours, 55 Minutes ago ?
The Sunday Questions:

1. Card game or board game?
Texas Holdem or Blackjack?

2. Rock ?n? roll or country?
I do listen to both.

3. Sneakers or sandals?
Depends upon the occasion or locale.

4. Shopping or movies?

5. Lake or pool?
Exercise? Pool. Just splashing about? Either or.

6. Juice or milk?

7. Tent or hotel?
Am I camping or travelling?

8. Popcorn or candy?

9. Merry go round or roller coaster?
Roller Coaster!!

10. Soup or salad?

11. If Gov. Mitt Romney called you to ask your opinion and advice on his foreign policy debate tomorrow night, what would you tell him he needs to do to beat the president?
?Just keep doing what you?re doing Mr. Romney.?

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"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."
--Thomas Paine

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 8 Hours, 54 Minutes ago ?
Ray - I know lots of people like Jelly Bellys. President Reagan did, for one. I never could get used to the odd flavors that'd pop up from time to Japaleno CANDY? For a treat, see if you can find some "LIFE SAVERS JELLY BEANS" you should buy a package! They're kind of hard to find around here sometimes, but they are the best in flavor I've ever found. Also, thanks for the reminder about V-8. I LOVE the stuff too, but didn't think of it when I was answering the questions. Of course, I drink lots of 2% milk. We buy it by the gallon around here because our daughter likes it, too.

One of the funniest things I ever did involved sandals. I was a detective in 1969 and our chief of police was an EXTREMELY conservative dresser...a Democrat, by the way. He always wore somewhat baggy, blue, pin-striped suits, a Bradford silverbelly western hat and, because of a circulation problem, polished leather houseshoes. I was going to college in the mornings at that time and my wife would buy me what she thought were "suitable" clothes for campus wear. I got called out of class one morning and was told to report to the chief ASAP because we'd had an early-AM murder he wanted me on. I showed up at his office dressed in a pair of red, white & blue, vertical striped, hip-hugger-type bellbottoms with exposed-button fly, a solid blue shirt with a wide collar and somewhat "blousy" sleeves, a 2"-wide belt with an abstract metal buckle and Ho Chi Minh sandals! I thought the chief was going to stroke out right there! He sent me home to "change into something more befitting your job." The following month, I got another, similar call and went home first and changed into a somewhat baggy, blue pin-striped suit, leather houseshoes and a Bradford, silverbelly western hat. I thought he was going to stroke out AGAIN! There was just no satisfying that guy!


Last Edit: 2012/10/21 15:38 By Dave.

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Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
An Example of Liberal "Logic" - Trees should be saved because they have souls, but an unborn child is just a blob of tissue.

Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with oil or grease, your nose will begin to itch & you'll have to pee.

Re:The Sunday Briefing, October 21, 2012 6 Hours, 3 Minutes ago ?
Just got this via e-mail from a friend:


At approximately 2:30 pm, September 6, 2012, I entered the Publix store on Main St. in Gainesville , FL to pick up a few items. I gathered my items and went to the 14 and under register to check-out. The person in front of me (a white female, approximate age 35-43, fake nails, big braided hair do, clean clothes, carrying a purse and a plastic drinking cup) put her purchase ? ONE GRAPE ? on the check-out surface.

Yes, that is correct ONE GRAPE. The cashier asked if that was all, she replied yes. The cashier then weighed the GRAPE and told the women the cost was $.02 (TWO CENTS), the women then pulled out her Food Stamp EBT card and swiped it through the credit card machine, requesting $24.00 in cash back. The cashier asked if she wanted the GRAPE, the woman replied no and the GRAPE was put in the garbage can. The register recorded the sale as .02, cash back $24.00. The cashier then asked if two fives would be okay because she was out of tens, the woman agreed and took the $24.00 folded it up and put it in her pocket and left the store.

As the next person in line I asked the cashier as a tax payer what in the hell just happened here she said she was on the clock and could not comment. I then asked if I had actually seen this person purchase and discard a GRAPE, then get cash back on her Food Stamp EBT card. The cashier responded that it happens all day every day in their store. She also said that if the person buying the GRAPE has it ring up over .02 they get mad and make her reweigh it.

My next comment was to ask the cashier if she planned to vote in November and she said she could hardly wait for 11/6/12 to get here as one tax payer to another. I paid for my groceries, in cash, and left the store madder than 10 wet hens.

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Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
An Example of Liberal "Logic" - Trees should be saved because they have souls, but an unborn child is just a blob of tissue.

Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with oil or grease, your nose will begin to itch & you'll have to pee.



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